Pair of miniature on ivory and gilt bronze frame

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Ref: 8124

Pair of miniature on ivory and gilt bronze frame


Era: 19th century, French Restauration.
Materials: ivory, gilt bronze.
Dim (miniature): H 2 in (5 cm) / W 1.6 in (4 cm).
Dim (frame): H 2.8 in (7 cm) / W 2.4 in (6 cm).

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Pair of miniature on ivory featuring two children. The first child is wearing a brown jacket that is open in the front, showing a white shirt and a blue silk tie. The face is framed with large curls, and the child is set on a pink and blue cloudy background. The second child is wearing a burgundy velvet suit with a white lace collar. The face is longer and also framed with large curls and set over a cloudy background. The small brush strokes of these paintings demonstrate their excellent quality. The children’s expressions are lively with white accents that make their eyes sparkle. They are most likely members of the same family. A few small chips in the lower left of the painting. The gilt bronze frames are topped with a bow and rose garlands. Both miniatures are protected under glass. Some watercolor missing on one of the portraits.

Pair of miniature on ivory and gilt bronze frame



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