A mid-18th century patinated and ormulu "Chinoiserie"mantel-clock

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Ref: 4421

A mid-18th century patinated and ormulu "Chinoiserie"mantel-clock


Era: Louis XV period.
Materials: gilt and patinated bronze, lacquer.
Dim: W 30 cm / D 21 cm / H 39 cm.
Dim: W 11.8 in  / D 8.3 in /  H 15.4 in.

Additional information

Patinated bronze buffalo mantel-clock resting on a rocaille base in gilded bronze and vermilion/brown lacquered with foliage decoration. The buffalo carries on its back a circular dial. The white enameled dial, with roman numerals for the hours and arabic for the minutes, has a vermilion lacquered case surmounted by a patinated bronze magot figure. On either side of the dial, bronze heads; in Chinese taste; appear. This mantel clock is characteristic of the taste for China mixed with europeans forms; which developed in the in the 18th century. These fanciful pieces were prized by the court of Louis XV and in particular by Madame de Pompadour whose passion for the chinoiserie style is well documented. This type of animal clock is limited to the reign of Louis XV even if the production will continue in a Transition style until the beginning of the reign of Louis XVI. Circa 1760. Mechanism to be reviewed.
-Daniel Alcouffe, Les bronzes d'ameublement du musée du Louvre, 2014.
-Madeleine Jarry, Chinoiserie. Chinese Influence on European Decorative Art 17th and 18th Centuries, Fribourg.
-Pierre Kjellberg, Encyclopédie de la pendule française du Moyen Age au XXe siècle, Paris, Les Éditions de l'Amateur, 1997.

A mid-18th century patinated and ormulu "Chinoiserie"mantel-clock



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