Carved ivory mirror in Renaissance Revival, Dieppe

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Ref: 4434

Carved ivory mirror in Renaissance Revival, Dieppe


Era: 19th century
Materials: ivory
Dim (in): H:13.38in / L:4.33in / W: 0.78in
Dim (cm): H: 34 cm / L: 11 cm / W: 2cm

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An oval mirror with carved ivory frame, topped by a vase with birds, flanked by a comic mask and musical instruments. Falling garlands and scrolls adorn the mirror. Child-shape handle surmounted by a basket filled with flowers, on a console hightened with scrolling foliages. During the July Monarchy in the 1830s, is developed a return to the style of the Renaissance Revival. This style touches all the arts including decoratif art and furniture. This style is influenced decorative repertoire of the 15th and 16th centuries. Very fine work of the city of Dieppe realized in the second half of the 19th century.

Carved ivory mirror in Renaissance Revival, Dieppe



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