Limoges enamel painting, "Centaur Nessus"

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Ref: 4600

Limoges enamel painting, "Centaur Nessus"


Era: 18th century (plate), 17th century (frame).
Materials: Limoges enamel.
Dim plate (in): W 13.6 in (34.5 cm)/ H 14.4 in (36.5 cm).
Dim frame (in): W 10,6 in (27 cm) / H 11,4in (29 cm).

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Limoges enamel plate featuring Deianeira and the Centaur Nessus. In Ovid's Metamorphosis, Hercules marries Deianeira after conquering Achelous and puts her in the care of Nessus, a centaur, who offers to help her cross the Euenos river. While Hercules floats away, Nessus, who is in love with the princess, tries to abduct her. Realizing the deception, Hercules kills the centaur with an arrow poisoned by the Lernaean Hydra. The dramatic nature of this scene is highlighted by the movement of the waves and Deianeira's brightly-colored, billowing fabric. The creator of this enamel plaque was inspired by Guido Reni's painting, Déjaneire enlevée par le centaure Nessus (1617-1621), currently conserved in the Louvre Museum in Paris. The plate dates from the late 18th century, with a gilt wood frame from the 17th century.
A label on the back reads: Raymond.
Glaze cracks.

Limoges enamel painting, "Centaur Nessus"



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