Gold bonbonniere, Master goldsmith Jean Baptiste Louis Rousseau

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Ref: 4838

Gold bonbonniere, Master goldsmith Jean Baptiste Louis Rousseau


Era: first 19th century.
Materials: gold.
Dim: diam: 2.48 in / H 0.62 in.
Dim: diam 6,3 cm / H 1,6 cm.
Weight: 78gr (2.75 ounce).
Cock in an oval: 1798-1809, Paris. 
Bear's head: 1795-1797.
Old man's head: 1798-1809.
Master silversmith: JLR for Rousseau Jean Baptiste Louis.

Additional information

Round candy box in 20 carat gold. The lid is streaked with concentric lines and bordered by a frieze of foliage in light relief on the top alternating with small vertical lines. The same motif appears on the sides, with a frieze of foliage alternating with palmettes. The base is identical to the lid, its sides chiselled with parallel lines surmounted by a garland of lozenges and squares in the neoclassical taste.
Master silversmith: JLR (reclining greyhound) for Rousseau Jean Baptiste Louis,16 cour Neuve du Palais, indictment Paris 19 May 1779, 1801.

Gold bonbonniere, Master goldsmith Jean Baptiste Louis Rousseau



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